The CGRU Select 7s Program is searching for coaches and trainers for the 2023 assemblies & tours for both the men's and women's teams. Both teams have openings for:
⦁ Head Coach
⦁ Assistant Coach
⦁ Athletic Trainer
How to Apply
Email CV & References to Select7s@cgru.rugby
Submission of CV & References Deadline: Open
Interview Selections Informed: TBD
Interviews: TBD
Selection Deadline: TBD
Head Coaching Roles
⦁ Reports to the Director of 7s Rugby
⦁ Coaches are expected to:
⦁ Attend all development assemblies
⦁ Design, plan and implement training sessions for all assemblies that supports participants’ development needs
⦁ Conduct individual player assessment and development plans
⦁ Promote upcoming assemblies and tours
⦁ Support budgeting and logistical management of tours
⦁ Responsible for game management
⦁ Work with 7s director and staff on player selections
⦁ Additional requirements:
⦁ Be able to financially cover their own flight cost for tours
Assistant Coaching Roles
⦁ Reports to the Head Coach
⦁ Coaches are expected to:
⦁ Attend all development assemblies
⦁ Assist and support the head coach in design, planning and implementation of training sessions for all assemblies
⦁ Assist in conducting individual player assessment and development plans
⦁ Promote upcoming assemblies and tours
⦁ Support logistical management of tours
⦁ Assist in gameday management
⦁ Work with 7s director and head coach on player selections
⦁ Additional requirements:
⦁ Be able to financially cover their own flight cost for tours
Athletic Trainer Roles
⦁ Deliver first aid and strapping that fits player needs prior, during, and after games
⦁ Monitor and assess player wellness and injury specifics during camps and tours
⦁ Lead recovery sessions post camp, game, and tournament play
⦁ Attend all development assemblies